The conferences “Joves i Ciència E2C3” are organized by CatalunyaCaixa, and provide our students with the opportunity to work side by side with scientists from all over the world.
We also participate in the Chemistry Olympics and the Nutrivideo contest, organised by the Universidad de Navarra.
The “Imagine your Future” junior camp is organised by the IQS and aimed at ESO 3 students. Our students also go on different cultural excursions and educational trips throughout the year, where they can experience science outside our facilities. These educational field trips also give valuable hands on experience in those points worked on in class.
We go to museums, exhibitions, conferences and we also visit factories and production plants.
Conferences, visits, cultural and science trips
The conferences “Joves i Ciència E2C3” are organized by CatalunyaCaixa, and provide our students with the opportunity to work side by side with scientists from all over the world.
We also participate in the Chemistry Olympics and the Nutrivideo contest, organised by the Universidad de Navarra.
The “Imagine your Future” junior camp is organised by the IQS and aimed at ESO 3 students. Our students also go on different cultural excursions and educational trips throughout the year, where they can experience science outside our facilities. These educational field trips also give valuable hands on experience in those points worked on in class.
We go to museums, exhibitions, conferences and we also visit factories and production plants.
Cooperation agreements
We work in collaboration with several scientific organisations such as the IQS, Pendulum or Robotika among others.
Our students take part in educational exchanges with schools all over Europe, giving them the opportunity to learn new ways of learning
We teach our students how to become confident individuals capable of adapting to and living in all the environments world-wide. In order to do so, students participate in annual exchanges with schools from Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany and the United Kingdom among others. Every year, nearly 500 ESO students travel to these schools, where they carry out their Research Project.
At the same time, we welcome and host their exchange partners when they come to our country.
Furthermore, our students participate regularly in international sports competitions (ISSA) political debating events (MUN,EYP) and ECIS Maths Quest Tournaments.