Pinetons Spring Trophy

Last Saturday 31st May Pinetons Swimming Club hosted its traditional Spring Trophy. One more year they asked for our participation and our school, pre-benjamin, benjamin and alevin swimmers were more than happy to participate.

There were debutants amongst our brave swimmers of the school category: Aitor Aranzábal, Jana Bentué, Elena de Obes, Sara Torras and Mateo Díaz and their first time was full of joy and enthusiasm. They delighted the audience with a wonderful energy competing in the 25m freestyle and 25m backstroke. CaterinaL Llanes, pre-benjamin category, also participated in these races and she did a great job, as usual.

The benjamins Carlota Chocarro, Aina Figueras, Mathis Gilet, Clara Figueras, Lucía de Obes, Claudia Viaño, Izan Pomer, Alexandre Comerón, Rodión Golnev and Iker Aranzábal competed in different races according to their liking, and the same did the alevins Mariona García, Constanza Elfarkh, Alvaro Navarrete, Claudia Reato and Raül Zuazo. They all gave their 100% and displayed a high level of technique and great strength.

Thanks to their amazing performance we won 3rd place! Congratulations!