Registration is open!

Next year, Penguins Swimming Academy® will introduce an innovative swimming methodology for families at EISB.

As of October, EISB will be offering new swimming courses for pregnant women, babies and children aged 0 to 6. In the Penguins classes the students will work in small groups building stronger bonds with the teacher. Furthermore, Penguins is the only centre in Barcelona with official certification to teach antenatal aqua classes following the AIPAP® method under the guidance of expert midwives.

Courses on offer

Classes for pregnant women

40 minute-long antenatal sessions by midwives who are specialised in water birth. These days, more and more medical centres such as Dexeus and other gynaecologists in Barcelona recommend the AIPAP method, which has been proven to be highly beneficial during pregnancy as well as favouring an optimal labour.

Baby Penguins (0-2 years)

Dynamic classes focused on boosting the development of the baby. The main goal of the Penguins Method©, inspired by a well-known Swedish swimming school called Linneasimskola, is to stimulate the child’s development at all the different levels (psychomotor, sensorial, intellectual and social) and prepare them to feel safe, agile and happy in the water.

In the classes the teachers sing in English because music is a key element in the early stages of development and it has a soothing effect on babies. There is always a teacher in the water, as well as one or two adults per student.

White Penguins (2-3 years)

The main goal is transitioning towards the child’s independence in the water without swimming equipment. This method is aimed at improving the child’s self-confidence, and attracting their attention through games and fun stories. The children enter the water with an adult to help them feel safe and secure. The classes will be conducted by the teacher who will be in the water together with the parents.

Blue and Orange Penguins (3-6 years)

In this stage, the objective is to promote intrinsic motivation in students by creating an affectionate, empathetic and professional environment, which always yields great results. Small groups (a maximum of 4 children for every teacher) and divided by levels. Children always work without swimming equipment but by providing them with other creative material they learn faster because they are having fun and enjoying themselves.

At the same time these activities teach them the correct swimming technique from the beginning, they strengthen their confidence and self-esteem in the water. The classes are 40 minutes-long and families are welcome to come and observe the progress of their children and how much they enjoy the classes.


The classes will take place in the small school swimming pool. The water will be treated with salt and medium pressure UV and the temperature will always be maintained so it is warm and suited to the babies’ needs. Our main goal is that students are able to enjoy the activities all year round in optimal conditions.

Start of classes and registration

As of the 7th June families will be able to check timetables, prices and register at (upper right-hand corner click on “HORARIOS Y RESERVAS” and select Penguins EISB (Sant Cugat)).

Payment will be made upon registration for the activity. Further information: (tel. 936.315.880).