Auf Wiedersehen Freunde!

Today we said a sad goodbye to our friends from Luisen-Gymnasium Bergedorf in Hamburg!  Felix, Sascha and Malte have been with us for 6 weeks as the second part to the 4th ESO Extended Exchange programme.

5 EIS students were partnered with 5 students from Hamburg, and in September the 2 pioneers, Clàudia Pellicer and Stephanie de Salvador, went to live with their new host families and attend classes at the Luisen-Gymnasium.  They returned at the end of October with their exchange partners, Hannah and Isabeau, who stayed with us until the Christmas Break.

Meanwhile 3 boys went across in October but had to wait until their partners could come back in April.

What do the students themselves have to say about the experience?

Sascha: ‘ the time has gone by very quickly’.

Felix: ‘My spanish is much better than when I arrived’.

Alberto: ‘It is an experience I would repeat and I recommend to other students.  I jumped a level in German and am happy that I will be able to take the higher Goethe exam earlier than planned’.

Clàudia: ‘It was a life-changing experience, not only did I learn German, but I also met wonderful people who I’ll never forget’.

Stephanie: ‘My trip to Hamburg wasn’t just a trip, it was an enriching experience to grow as a person, learn a new language and get to know other cultures and traditions’.

 We look forward to the new group of partners who will be getting to know each other this summer in anticipation of their visit to Hamburg in September.

Many thanks to all the teachers for their support in this project and of course to the families in both countries.