Anchor mat & Bag

Some of our ESO 4 students were selected for the final stage of the 2nd Catalan Small Business Competition organized by the Junior Achievement Organization. On May 13th they spent all day at the Pedralbes Centre in Barcelona where they had their own stand and had to try to sell their product. Then on the 15th they had the opportunity to formally introduce their company at the ESADE Fórum in Barcelona.

We already talked about the first project, called Sabobo, and now it’s time we talked about another great product: The Anchor Mat & Bag. This product was created by: Jaime Gutíerrez, Hugo Igartua, Marc Rodríguez, Borja Gorina and Miquel Prats and it consists of an anchor mat that you can tie to the pool raft. This way you can enjoy a relaxing bath in the beach without worrying about the current dragging you away.

For more information you can check their Facebook page or visit the following webpage where you can also place an order
